Monday, March 14, 2005

Bill O'Reilly is an a**hole

Bill O'Reilly is a complete ass. Tonight was particularly bad. He spent a few hours (at most) AFTER THE FACT trying to get up to speed on the circumstances that led to a tragic event, and then offered arm-chair judgments about what should have been done differently to prevent the tragedy. And he sneered the whole damn time.

More specifically, he strongly suggested that Fulton County (Atlanta, GA) officials are the equivalent of the Keystone Cops and, but for their purported incompetence, the attacks on their own deputies, a county judge and his court reporter, and a federal customs agent would not have happened.

Disturbed people do unanticipatable evil things. Put differently, police cannot prevent people with evil intentions from ever succeeding in their goals. Any suggestion to the contrary is disengenous, particularly so when the defamatory allegations are offered for nothing more the transparent goal of boosting TV ratings.

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