Monday, June 13, 2005

Drudge sludge

I heard this story today on the way to work this morning. Somehow I knew immediately that when I got in to the office and checked Drudge, it would have the banner lead.

UPDATE: This sums up my thoughts perfectly.
This is the kind of crap reporting that no one . . . deserve[s] to experience. The thing is that both Clintons will obviously deny it, and there is no one else who could possibly be a witness to the event in question. Now, twenty-six years later, who is Ed Klein to contradict them?

And even if, by some very remote chance, the charge were actually true, who is Ed Klein to drag it up to the surface? What benefit could it possibly bring to anyone? What would it do to Chelsea to have that kind of scandalous rumor floating around about her own conception? Since there is no possible way that Ed Klein can prove this outrageous accusation, we must conclude that the reasons he included it in his book were to sell copies and plant a terrible piece of gossip in people's minds.

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