Monday, August 22, 2005

Circular firing squad among Democrats

Markos is organizing it.

No calls for a truce will be brooked. The [moderate] DLC has used those pauses in the past to bide their time between offensives. Appeals to party unity will fall on deaf ears (it's summer of a non-election year, the perfect time to sort out internal disagreements).

We need to make the DLC radioactive. And we will. With everyone's help, we really can. Stay tuned.

Q: Who is the only Democrat to be reelected since FDR?

A: Bill Clinton, former Chairman of the DLC.

Q: How many of the candidates that received full-fledged support from Markos won their elections last year?

A: Zero (out of 12, not including John Kerry.)

Q: Should the Democrats follow Clinton's path or Markos' path?

A: What kind of stupid question is that?

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