The Alito family with . . .
WASHINGTON - It may be symbolic of the Senate confirmation battle ahead that federal appeals court Judge Samuel Alito's views on abortion were rejected by the woman he would replace on the Supreme Court, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.Judge Alito did not provide his "views on abortion" in that case. He provided his views as to whether a particular restriction was constitutional under existing Supreme Court precedent. How hard is that to understand?
[W]hat was Coulter's stated objection to Miers? That she opposed Griswold. Ann Coulter and the rest of the right wing crazies oppose the right of married couples to have access to contraception.Now, I don't like Ann Coulter, but I doubt that there are too many "right wing crazies" who oppose the right of married couples to have access to contraception. However, many reasonable people don't think that contraception is a constitutionally protected right. Atrios understands the distinction, but his readers prefer hyberbole so that is what he engages in.
Let the games begin.Former appellate judge Timothy Lewis, who served with Alito, has ideological differences with him but believes he would be a good Supreme Court justice.
"There is nobody that I believe would give my case a more fair and balanced treatment," Lewis said. "He has no agenda. He's open-minded, he's fair and he's balanced."
THE beheading of three Christian schoolgirls in Indonesia's troubled district of Poso on the weekend appeared to be a deliberate attempt to reignite a sectarian conflict that has claimed thousands of lives, experts say.Barbaric.
The girls, ranging in age from 15 to 17, were on their way to their senior high school in Bukit Bambu, on the outskirts of Poso city in central Sulawesi, when a gang of six masked men attacked them with machetes. . .
UNITED NATIONS - Fraud in the U.N. oil-for-food scheme for Iraq reached from French politicians to a former Vatican aide and name-brand companies, sending a sobering message about the state of global business, the chief investigator said after publishing his conclusions on what went awry.
"There's a lot of corruption in the world," Paul Volcker told The Associated Press on Thursday, when he released his scathing final report on the 18-month investigation.
The former Federal Reserve chairman's team found that more than 2,200 companies and individuals, or about half of all those involved in the humanitarian program, paid kickbacks and illegal surcharges to win lucrative contracts while Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein pocketed $1.8 billion at the expense of his people who were suffering under U.N. sanctions. . .
The report named some high-profile individuals and companies including a former French interior minister, Charles Pasqua; Rev. Jean-Marie Benjamin, a priest who once worked as an assistant to the Vatican secretary of state and opposed Iraqi sanctions; carmakers DaimlerChrysler AG, Volvo and South Korea's Daewoo International; and industrial giants Siemens AG.
The anti-war folks won't touch this story. They are too busy arguing that Bush deliberately lied about WMD.
TEHRAN (Reuters) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, cheered by thousands of supporters, signalled on Friday he stood by his call for Israel to be wiped off the map, while Iran's foreign ministry sought to defuse a diplomatic storm.This is a reminder why it is absolutely critical that Iran be denied nuclear weapons.
And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate white people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem. Now I don’t care whether you clap or not, but I’m saying to you that we need to solve this problem because they are going to kill us. And I will leave on that. So we just have to just set up our own system and stop playing and get very serious and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem and the problem on the planet is white people.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Exxon Mobil Corp. posted a quarterly profit of $9.9 billion Thursday, the largest in U.S. corporate history, as it raked in a bonanza from soaring oil and gas prices.I'm generally in favor of minimal government regulation of the market, but in this case something is broke that needs to be fixed.
Today, I have reluctantly accepted Harriet Miers' decision to withdraw her nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States. . .Now the reality is that nobody will be fooled. Bush and Miers were trounced not by Democrats, but by people who are conservatives first and Republicans second. But it is important to note that the defeat was not inevitable from the start, and became inevitable only after repeated self-inflicted wounds, in particular, the atrocious responses to the Judiciary Committee questionnaire.
It is clear that senators would not be satisfied until they gained access to internal documents concerning advice provided during her tenure at the White House -- disclosures that would undermine a president's ability to receive candid counsel.
A woman armed with a fake law school transcript conned her way into a job at Minnesota's largest law firm, working for six months as an associate attorney before she was discovered, a spokesman for the firm said Tuesday.
The woman's ruse fell apart as her colleagues at Dorsey & Whitney began to question the quality of her work, said Tom Tinkham, a partner at the firm.
North Korea admitted yesterday that it was still holding prisoners from the Korean War as well as South Koreans it had abducted since.
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The war in Iraq saw two milestones Tuesday that reflect the country's path to democracy and its human toll as officials said the referendum on a draft constitution passed and the U.S. military's death toll reached 2,000.
NEW YORK Oct 24, 2005 — At $25,000 per minute, advice from Donald Trump doesn't come cheap.
That didn't stop thousands of fans from attending a Sunday lecture by the real estate mogul, who received $1.5 million for the hour-long speech.
I hope they took notes.
. . . what a trainwreck the Miers' nomination has become . . .Paul at Powerline (Time's "Blog of the Year"): Friday, 10/21 at 12:15 p.m.
The train wreck that the Miers nomination has become . . .
Miers: The Only Exit Strategy - Charles Krauthammer, Washington PostWhere are the editorials supporting this nomination? If there have been any, I have not seen them.
The Miers Nomination is No Longer Viable - John Dickerson, Slate
The Miers Nomination Has Lotto Trouble - John Fund, Opinion Journal
The Miers Blunder - Wall Street Journal
The Trouble With Harriet - New York Times
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — U.S. Sen. Judd Gregg called a news conference for Thursday to announce that he's one of 47 Powerball players who matched five of the lottery's numbers, minus the Powerball number — winning him a total of $853,492. . .
In his 2004 financial disclosure statements, Gregg's major assets were combined Fleet stock and Fleet Bank savings account, $1 million-$5 million; stock in 44 other companies, including $250,001-$500,000 in Bristol Myers and $50,001-$100,000 each in Verizon and Exxon; $100,001-$250,000 in Sarasota, Fla., real estate; $100,001-$250,000 Portsmouth real estate.
His major sources of unearned income: Fleet stock dividends, $100,001-$1 million; Bristol Myers stock dividends, $5,001-$15,000; rent from Portsmouth real estate, $15,001-$50,000.
WASHINGTON -- George W. Bush's agents have convinced conservative Republican senators who were heartsick over his nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court that they must support her to save his presidency. . .For weeks I have been reading about how the Supreme Court is the most important issue to conservatives. Now they are talking about giving a pass to someone who seems less impressive every day because of Bush's weak poll numbers? If that turns out to be true, it is pathetic.
Whatever her qualifications, dubious Republican senators after hearing from Gillespie decided they could not deny his chosen court nominee to a president on the ropes. Bush has solidified Republican support not because he is strong but because he looks weak.
David Copperfield says he plans to impregnate a girl on stage - without even touching her.
Speaking to German magazine Galore, the illusionist rejected the theory that there were only seven different kinds of magic tricks.
He said: "Bull s**t! There is a great deal of new territory to conquer. In my next show I'm going to make a girl pregnant on stage."
He added: "Naturally it will be without sex. Everyone will be happy about it, but I'm not telling you any more."
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hurricane Wilma, which triggered mudslides that killed up to 10 people in Haiti, has strengthened to a catastrophic Category 5 storm as it approaches western Cuba and Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula.I'm going to try not to complain when it hits 20 below in Minnesota this winter.The season's record-tying 21st storm, fueled by the warm waters of the northwest Caribbean Sea, strengthened alarmingly as it headed into the Gulf of Mexico on a path expected to lead across storm-weary southern Florida by Saturday.
An Air Force plane measured maximum sustained winds of near 175 mph (280 km/h) from the vicious storm, with higher gusts, the center reported at 5 a.m. (0900 GMT) on Wednesday.
The reconnaissance aircraft measured an estimated minimum air pressure of 884 MB, the lowest pressure ever observed in a in the Atlantic basin, the center reported, but cautioned that this reading should "be used with caution" until confirmed.
"Sometimes," Tice said, "you wake up and you say, 'Man, I didn't have anything to drink last night. I didn't have anything fattening. So why do I want to puke?' Then you realize, 'Oh, that's right.' You start remembering what's going on in your life."
Sparked by today's Washington Post story that suggests Vice President Cheney's office is involved in the Plame-CIA spy link investigation, government officials and advisers passed around rumors that the vice president might step aside and that President Bush would elevate Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.Just think, two months ago, we were in the summer news doldrums and the biggest story was Cindy Sheehan. Then came, in rapid succession, John Roberts, Katrina, Rita, earthquake in Pakistan, Harriet Miers and an election in Iraq. Now, the possibility of another mega-story. Right now, there are not enough hours in the day for news junkies like me.
Story #2.After their meeting, Specter told reporters that Miers said she believed the 1965 case of Griswold v. Connecticut -- a landmark ruling establishing the right to privacy -- was "rightly decided."
But when the White House took exception to Specter's comments, the Pennsylvania Republican released a statement saying Miers later called him to tell him he had "misunderstood" her answer.
On Oct. 3, the day the Miers nomination was announced, Mr. Dobson and other religious conservatives held a conference call to discuss the nomination. One of the people on the call took extensive notes, which I have obtained. According to the notes, two of Ms. Miers's close friends--both sitting judges--said during the call that she would vote to overturn Roe.It is hard to imagine how she could get 50 votes at this point.
Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers, making the rounds among influential Senators yesterday, refused to answer questions about her views on the landmark abortion case, Roe v. Wade (1973), citing her right to privacy as found in the 1965 Griswold v. Connecticut Supreme Court ruling that served as the key precedent for the Roe decision.She also refused to answer whether she thinks Griswold is 'settled law', again citing the 1965 decision.
"If under Griswold, people have a right to privacy in the purchase contraceptives," Miss Miers said, "I certainly have a right to protect myself from unwanted questions."
THE cover photo on the latest issue of Patrick Buchanan's American Conservative magazine, bearing the cover line "After the Storm," is not that much different from many of the pictures coming out of the hurricane-stricken areas of the South. It shows a family of four children slogging through knee-deep water with two adult women. However, the "woman" on the far right is none other than well-known New Orleans drag queen and bartender Jack "Lady Charles" Nicholson. Kara Hopkins, the magazine's executive editor, had no explanation other than "it was a good photo."
I don't know if by mere quotation I can fully convey the relentless march of vapid abstractions that mark Miers's prose. Nearly every idea is vague and depersonalized. Nearly every debatable point is elided. It's not that Miers didn't attempt to tackle interesting subjects. She wrote about unequal access to the justice system, about the underrepresentation of minorities in the law and about whether pro bono work should be mandatory. But she presents no arguments or ideas, except the repetition of the bromide that bad things can be eliminated if people of good will come together to eliminate bad things. . .
Throw aside ideology. Surely the threshold skill required of a Supreme Court justice is the ability to write clearly and argue incisively. Miers's columns provide no evidence of that.
I assume that "homes" is meant to include apartments and other rental properties. If that is correct, this statistic is not surprising to me. If I owned a piece of land in New Orleans, I would have a reason to go back even if the building on that land had been destroyed. If I rented, I would be looking for a place for a fresh start with the hope, perhaps, of returning in many years after the City is rebuilt. Given that the poorest sections of New Orleans were overwhelming populated by blacks, the numbers make sad sense. Also, the ripple effects throughout that region of this demographic change are going to be huge.WASHINGTON - Four in 10 residents of New Orleans who sought Red Cross help after Hurricane Katrina say they don't expect to return home — an exodus that could dramatically change that city, a poll of those hurricane survivors found.
Blacks were twice as likely as whites to say they would not return. Almost nine in 10 whose homes are no longer livable say they don't expect to return, the CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll found.
"I can think of a recent disaster that shows what happens when a country neglects its duties of state towards its people," said Mr. Schroeder, who will soon cede his post to conservative rival Angela Merkel.Laughter?
"My post as chancellor, which I still hold, does not allow me to name that country, but you all know that I am talking about America," Mr. Schroeder said to laughter and applause.
I've covered the Vikings since their inception. This boat party will go down as the dumbest move any group of players in any sport has made.Oh, well. A little personal shame for these guys, and it will be over, right? Don't bet on it.
At the time of the party, Vikings officials were heavily lobbying state legislators to convene a special session to get public funding for a stadium.
The incident casts a "dark shadow" over the team and "it certainly does negatively affect the opportunity" for legislative approval of the financing package that the team and Anoka County officials seek, said state Rep. Andy Westerberg, R-Blaine, chief House sponsor of the Vikings bill.
If Zygi Wilf is not throwing things today, he is a more restrained person than I could ever hope to be.
[T]he long-predicted “conservative crackup” is at hand. . .Go read. I strongly suspect that dark days are ahead for Republicans.
[A]ll the constituent parts are — for various reasons — going their own way. Here's a checklist: . . .
CHELSEA — God spoke with the roar of revving motorcycle engines during a protest Tuesday by six members of a Kansas church that believes God is punishing the U.S. for protecting homosexuals by killing soldiers overseas. . .
The bikers [from the VFW] succeeded in keeping the protesters out of sight and sound of the Doles family but for anyone else close enough to see their brightly colored signs spoke loud and clear: “GOD IS YOU OR ENEMY; GOD HATES THE USA; GOD IS AN AMERICAN TERRORIST; TOO LATE TO PRAY; THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS; YOU’RE GOING TO HELL; GOD HAS SPOKEN IT’S NOT A BLESSING IT’S A CURSE and AMERICA IS DOOMED.”
Now comes Indiana state Sen. Patricia Miller, an Indianapolis Republican, with a plan to have government bureaucrats run pre-pregnancy checks on potential parents, including making sure they regularly go to church or some other "faith-based" activity, before a doctor can help them have a baby.
(AP) Minneapolis Authorities on Tuesday were investigating whether Minnesota Vikings players were involved in allegations of lewd behavior on two Lake Minnetonka charter boats last week.I heard an interview of Doyle on the radio when I was driving home tonight, and "engaging in sexual acts" is the tamest possible description of the alleged activities. Trust me -- this is going to be really, really bad.
No criminal charges had been filed by Tuesday afternoon.
Stephen Doyle, an attorney representing the boat owners, said at least 20 Vikings players were part of a group of 90 people who went out on a pair of Al and Alma's charter cruises last Thursday night.
Doyle said the outing ended early and the boats returned to shore when staff members complained to the captains that some of the people on board were engaging in sexual acts and taking off their clothes.
Asked by host Matt Lauer if sexism might be playing a role in the Miers controversy, [Laura Bush] said, "It's possible. I think that's possible. . . . I think people are not looking at her accomplishments."What a crock of sh*t. I have looked at her accomplishments. My preliminary objection to this nomination is that she has relatively unremarkable legal credentials when we are talking about a Supreme Court seat and I'm not willing to pretend otherwise in the likely vain hope that she will steer a moderate course if confirmed. And conservative critics (whose objections are both qualifications-based and based on ideological concerns) have repeatedly said "why not Priscella Owens?", "why not Janice Rogers Brown?", and "why not Edith Jones?" (If any of these women had been nominated, perhaps Mrs. Bush would tell us that sexism played a role in objections from Democrats.)
VERNON, N.Y. -- A first-time candidate for public office was arrested twice in a three-hour span for driving drunk, authorities said Monday.
Brian E. Karst, 34, who is running for Oneida Common Council as an independent candidate was arrested Friday night by Oneida County Sheriff's Deputy Mark Chrysler and ticketed for numerous traffic violations. Sobriety tests revealed his blood alcohol content was 0.14 percent, nearly twice the legal limit of 0.08, deputies said.
After his arrest, Karst was released to a third party.
Less than three hours later, Chrysler pulled Karst over again _ driving the same car as before. This time, Karst's blood alcohol content was 0.11, deputies said.
Deputies said Karst also was arrested for driving while intoxicated on Sept. 9. . .
"When you have a president caught having sex with an intern or lying under oath, how's that compare? These are working people, not elitist politicians. They make mistakes. They put their pants on one leg at a time, and they make mistakes," [his spokesman] said.
BANGKOK, Thailand - The likelihood of a human flu pandemic is very high, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt warned Monday as he sought Southeast Asian cooperation to combat the spread of bird flu. . .Maybe, just maybe, the lessons of Katrina will cause our government to shift into high gear to respond to this threat. But from what I have read and heard, the problem is we just don't have the infrastructure to create vaccine at a rate that would really make any significant difference. If that is true and the pandemic materializes, it will signal a failure of government of historic proportions.
While there have been no known cases of person-to-person transmission, World Health Organization officials and other experts have been warning that the virus could mutate into a form that spreads easily among people. In a worst-case scenario, millions could die.
People see Miers get the Supreme Court slot and it reminds them of when they played Little League baseball and didn't get to pitch because the coach's son got the slot even though he wasn't as good.Pretty much sums it up.
WASHINGTON — Prominent U.S. preacher Pat Robertson said Sunday that recent natural disasters around the world point to the end of the world and the imminent return of Jesus Christ.My question is this: Will the world end before or after the return of Jesus? (Hat tip: Dave.)
For your safety and for the safety of others, absolutely no automobiles, pacers, bicycles, strollers, headsets, in-line skates, hand cycles, hand-cranked wheelchairs or pets are allowed on the course.Because of this rule, I left my iPod at home. Yet when the race started, I was surprised how many people were wearing headphones and, frankly, I was a bit resentful of those who decided that they didn't need to follow the rules. Thus, I lost a little respect for our governor this morning when I read this:
In the governor's mind, the marathon is about mental toughness, not physical prowess; his trick is his iPod, with an eclectic cache that includes Johnny Cash, AC/DC, Sonny and Cher and Pink. But he said he queued up his most energizing tunes for the final 5 miles of the marathon. Among them: Bruce Springsteen's "The Rising," Aerosmith's "Walk This Way," John Mellencamp's "When the Walls Came Tumbling Down" and Grand Funk Railroad's "Some Kind of Wonderful."The governor was one of those people who decided that he didn't need to follow an "absolute" rule that was in place for his "safety and the safety of others." For a guy who is supposed to lead by example, I am disappointed.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- An intercepted letter from Osama bin Laden's deputy to the al Qaeda leader in Iraq complains that the terrorist network is short of cash and faces defeat in Afghanistan, a Pentagon spokesman says.
The United States obtained a recent letter that appears to be from Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda's No. 2 figure, to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, outlining both the strategy and concerns of the terrorist network, said Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman.In the letter, al-Zawahiri warns that some of the tactics currently employed by the insurgency, including the slaughtering of hostages and the suicide bombings of Muslim civilians, may risk alienating the "Muslim masses," Whitman said Thursday.
Reading from a summary of the letter, Whitman said al-Zawahiri concedes that al Qaeda has lost many key leaders, is resigned to defeat in Afghanistan, and that its lines of communication and funding sources have been seriously disrupted. Al-Zawahiri includes a plea for financial support, indicating he is strapped for money, Whitman said.
The liberals' hope that Democrats can win back the presidency by drawing sharp ideological contrasts and energizing the partisan base is a fantasy that could cripple the party's efforts to return to power, according to a new study by two prominent Democratic analysts.
In the latest shot in a long-running war over the party's direction -- an argument turned more passionate after Democrat John F. Kerry's loss to President Bush last year -- two intellectuals who have been aligned with former president Bill Clinton warn that the only way back to victory is down the center. . .
Their basic thesis is that the number of solidly conservative Republican voters is substantially larger that the reliably Democratic liberal voter base. To win, the argument goes, Democrats must make much larger inroads among moderates than the GOP.
PAWTUCKET, R.I. -- Normally, a fight between two children over a pacifier might be resolved by their mothers. But in Pawtucket, the police had to step in. It all started Monday afternoon, when a 6-year-old boy dropped a pacifier.
Another 6-year-old boy picked it up and refused to give it back, allegedly prompting the first child to deliver a punch. Police said the boy with the pacifier then punched back.
Pawtucket Police Detective Donti Rosciti said one of the mothers called police, saying she wanted the fist fight documented because her son had three minor scratches on his face, and she didn't want his school accusing her of abuse.
In 1970, President Nixon nominated Judge G. Harrold Carswell for the court. While he had served on the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Carswell was immediately attacked for his less-than-stellar résumé (as well as alleged anti-civil rights views). Described as a "dull graduate of the third-best law school in the state of Georgia," witnesses chided Carswell's lack of any scholarly articles or notable opinions. Pro-Carswell Sen. Roman Hruska, of Nebraska, did not help matters when he defended the nominee by declaring, "Even if he were mediocre, there are a lot of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. They are entitled to a little representation, aren't they, and a little chance?"When it comes to the Supreme Court, the answer was then, and remains now, "no."
And every day they [i.e., the Bush administration] unleash squadrons of digital brownshirts to harass and hector any journalist who is critical of the President.In other words, conservative bloggers who generally support Bush are comparable to Nazis. Nice.
NEW York Times jailbird Judy Miller has landed a $1.2 million book deal with Simon & Schuster. The tome . . . will presumably detail Miller's imprisonment for refusing to reveal her source in a probe about a leak of a CIA operative's name . . .She was in jail for less than three months and was undoubtedly very well treated while there. For that she is going to make $1.2 million.
Miers . . . assumed such an insider role that in 2001 she handed Bush the crucial "presidential daily briefing" hinting at terrorist plots just a month before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.Oh my God! She "assumed such an insider role" that "she handed Bush the crucial" PDB? We obviously need to investigate her omissions that allowed 19 fanatics to commit mass murder.
Washington's Democratic senators split on the confirmation of John Roberts as chief justice of the United States, with Patty Murray voting to confirm and Maria Cantwell to reject. Each of them was right.(Via Best of the Web.) Read the whole thing to see the mental gymnastics that are necessary to support the conclusion.
It's not just that Miers has zero judicial experience. It's that she's so transparently a crony/"diversity" pick while so many other vastly more qualified and impressive candidates went to waste. If this is President Bush's bright idea to buck up his sagging popularity--among conservatives as well as the nation at large--one wonders whom he would have picked in rosier times. Shudder.Paul at Powerline.
This nominee is a two-fer -- she would not have been selected but for her gender, and she would not have been selected but for her status as a Bush crony. So instead of a 50-year old conservative experienced jurist we get a 60-year old with no judicial experience who may or may not be conservative.I was hoping that, because this is Bush's second term, he would thumb his nose at the diversity-mongers and appoint the best candidate. He thumbed his nose all right, but at conservatives.
This pick makes no sense to me.Southern Appeal.
I am done with President Bush: Harriet Miers? Are you freakin' kidding me?!Patterico.
I don’t know much about this woman, but what I do know does not impress me. Bush could have done much, much better. I am likely to sit this one out and simply watch in appalled disgust.It’s looking like my days of supporting this President may be over.
Betsy's Page.
To say that I'm disappointed in the nomination of Harriet Miers is an understatement.I could go on, but you get the point. Personally, it does look like cronyism to the extreme given the number of other impressive potential nominees who were vetted. What is it with Bush about having the person in charge with finding someone for a job ending up with the job himself or herself?
According to The Associated Press, she said to she enjoys an especially close relationship with Bush, and she is sometimes the only woman on the brush-clearing excursions at his ranch in Crawford, Texas.(Link.) He invites his closest confidants over to do yard work?
“DEPLORABLE” [Rich Lowry ](Link)
Just talked to a very pro-Bush legal type who says he is ashamed and embarrassed this morning. Says Miers was with an undistinguished law firm; never practiced constitutional law; never argued any big cases; never was on law review; has never written on any of the important legal issues. Says she's not even second rate, but is third rate. Dozens and dozens of women would have been better qualified. Says a crony at FEMA is one thing, but on the high court is something else entirely. Her long history of activity with ABA is not encouraging from a conservative perspective--few conservatives would spend their time that way. In short, he says the pick is “deplorable.” There may be an element of venting here, but thought I'd pass along for what it's worth. It's certainly indicative of the mood right now...
Posted at 12:30 PM
Mbarak Hussein and Nicole Aish won the Twin Cities Marathon on Sunday, each posting the second-slowest times in the event's 24-year history.Although I adjusted within the past couple of days to a "too finish" goal when the weather we would experience became clear, I too went slower than I had generally hoped (4:28, net). For me, the humidity was really tough given that, during exercise, I sweat more than any person on the face of the earth. I figure that I drank between 2.5 and 3.0 gallons of water and Powerade on the course, but no PortaPotty stops were necessary for me at any time during the entire race. Enough (too much?) said.Hussein, a Kenya native who lives in Albuquerque, N.M., covered the 26.2 miles in 2 hours, 18 minutes, 28 seconds. The 29-year-old Aish of Boston, making her marathon debut, opened up a big lead early and won in 2:40:21.
The slow times can be partly attributed to the 65-degree temperature at the start and relatively humid and windy conditions.