Monday, April 04, 2005

A history lesson

From a Brit.

I watch with interest the efforts of American liberals to absorb and learn from the reelection of George W. Bush and from the strength of the GOP's grip on Congress. To me this recalls vividly the revolution that occurred in Britain's Labour Party when Margaret Thatcher swept the board in 1979 and won three elections in a row.

Labour's response was to abandon socialism completely, accept Thatcher's privatization of nationalized industries and reform of the trade unions and celebrate these changes by renaming itself "New Labour." As a result of its humility and willingness to learn, Labour has now won two elections handsomely and, in the opinion of most observers (though not in mine), is set to win a third. That is how democracy works--a major shift in policies that wins the support of the voters persuades the opposition that it must change its program fundamentally if it is to garner votes and remain in the game.

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