Thursday, January 06, 2005

CNN's "Crossfire" to be canceled


I stopped watching this show on a regular basis long ago, but occasionally I will catch parts of it while working out at the YMCA. The concept was to put hard-core lefties and hard-core righties onto a set together and have them shout at and interrupt each other for 30 minutes. Not particularly illuminating.

UPDATE: Today presents another rare opportunity to agree with Atrios, who says--
Well, I'm not entirely sad to see Crossfire go, of course. It did devolve into something mostly unwatchable. But, it was about the only place on the vast liberal media landscape where partisan lefties actually had a platform. The truth about Crossfire is that in many ways it took all of the worst elements of these types of shows, put them in a blender, and then cut it down to half an hour.

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